
Abbreviation 略字表

AMS accelerator mass spectrometer or spectroscopy
BAS bio-image analyzer
BG background
CF carrier free
cpm counts per minute
dpm disintegration per minute
F detecting efficiency
Fab F due to absorption
Fg geometrical F
FM figure of merit
Fs.ab F due to self absorption
GC gas chromatography
G labeled generally labeled
HPLC high pressure liquid chromatography
IP imaging plate
IR infrared spectrum or spectroscopy
LSC liquid scintillation counter or counting
MC mass chromatogram
MS mass spectrum or spectroscopy
NMR nuclear magnetic resonance spectrum or spectroscopy
PSL photo-stimulated luminescence
PSLbg observed BG PSL
PSLnor normalized PSL
PSLob observed PSL
RI radio isotope
RIA radioimmunoassay
RLG radioluminography
ROI region of interest
SIM selected ion monitoring
TLC thin layer chromatography
U labeled uniformly labeled
WBA whole body auto radiography or radiogram

